


We provide virtual guidance as well as face-to-face learning. We strive for all our members to acquire the skill and mindset to become independent profitable Day- Traders

People Meeting Icon


We've digitalized a virtual classroom whereby we provide you with all the necessary resources that will help begin your trading journey

Teacher Demonstration Icon


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Our trading signals are formulated based off our trading strategies and methodologies. Signals may vary through low-risk as well as medium to high risk trading.


Our Technical versus Fundamental Course offers an introduction to the basics of chart analysis breaking down the market structure from a beginner s concept to help them remain consistent within the market Advanced strategies are also provided for intermediate and professional traders on the verge of improving their trading skill set

Fundemental Analysis

Business Person Stock Market

"Once your conquer the art of trading psychology, you've mastered the charts."


Finance concept. Economy graph. Stock market investment background. Exchange finance diagram.

Wealth trading community

Join a community of new and experienced traders in our Discord channel where we discuss trading psychology and methods. We get to review different perspectives of day trading different members.




Established in 2021, However founded in 2019, Dark SerieX Wealth Academy was created to help individuals learn the skill set of capital formation within the foreign exchange market. Our objective is to provide members with trading methods and strategies that will enable their full potential of capital formation.

Registration No: 2022/711679/09


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Phone in Circle Illustration
whatsapp business icon
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Facebook Circle Logo

+27 67 073 6115

Technical anaylsiS

We have devised a trading methodology on how to analyze price action charts using few of the following Smart Money Trading Concepts Retail Trading Analysis Market Makers Movers AND MANY MORE

fundemental analysis

We have summarized a trading concept of how to review statistical feedback based on major news events and have devised a trading plan that focuses on how to confidently trade fundemental news


We have designed a virtual classroom whereby all our members have access to trading books, videos as well as previously recorded live lessons.

All our members have access to assignments, quizzes and tasks which should be submitted online in order to progress into the phase of trading.


Less Than Symbol


Our trading signals are formulated throughout the aspects of technical and fundamental analysis Risk Management is our primary objective when it comes trading financial instruments High market volume may result in loss of capital
Vector Image
Handdrawn Versus Game
Illustration of Bear

trading SERVICES

E-Education Package

49.99 u$d / 1 year

- Dark SerieX Wealth Academy Beginner's Course (Introduction to trtrading)

- Dark SerieX Wealth Academy Intermediate Trading Course

- Dark SerieX Wealth Academy Advanced Trading Course

- Monthly Tasks and Assignments

-Knowledge overview and revision

- SlideShow lessons and video tutorials

- Dark SerieX Wealth Academy Synthetic Trading Course


Beginner Phase Package

85.99 u$D / 1 year

2-Month access to Advanced Phase Package

- Dark SerieX Signals and Analysis based on Technical and Fundamental Review

- Multiple TimeFrame analysis (Short-term and long term positioning)

- Risk Management Guidelines

- Beginner phase into the the E-Classroom

- Weekly pip calculation overview

- Dark SerieX Membership 1-on-1 lessons up for booking

- THREE Dark SerieX Membership Zoom Meeting Classroom

- Dark SerieX Membership Evaluation and Assessment

- A Complementary Dark SerieX Wealth Academy T-shirt


- Dark SerieX Signals and Analysis based on Technical and Fundamental Monthly Review

- Multiple TimeFrame analysis (Short-term and long term positioning)

- Risk Management Guidelines Advanced Tradeology

- Psychology to trading and how to deal with emotions

- Weekly pip calculation overview

- Dark SerieX Membership 1-on-1 lessons up for booking

- Monthly Dark SerieX Membership Zoom Meeting Classroom

- Dark SerieX Membership Evaluation and Assessment of Positions opened

- Lifetime mentorship programs

- Price Action Chart Analysis

-Access to all Classrooms Including: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Synthetic)

-a Comelementary Dark SerieX Wealth Academy Golfer-Shirt

Advanced Phase Package

169.99 U$D / 1 year


Harpers Inc.




Policy for Trading Forex:

  1. Education and Training: Before starting to trade forex, traders must educate themselves about the market, including the various trading strategies, tools, and risks associated with forex trading.
  2. Risk Management: Traders must implement effective risk management strategies to minimize losses and manage their exposure to the market. This includes using stop-loss orders and limiting the amount of leverage used.
  3. Trading Plan: Traders must have a well-defined trading plan that outlines their objectives, strategies, and risk management techniques. The plan should be regularly reviewed and adjusted as necessary.
  4. Market Analysis: Traders must conduct thorough market analysis before making any trading decisions. This includes analyzing economic data, technical indicators, and other relevant factors that may impact the market.
  5. Compliance: Traders must comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to forex trading, including those related to tax, reporting, and disclosure.

Disclaimer for Trading Forex:

  1. Risk Warning: Trading forex involves a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. It is possible to lose all of your investment. Before trading forex, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite.
  2. No Guarantee of Profit: There is no guarantee that you will make a profit by trading forex. The market can be volatile, and past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
  3. Market Fluctuations: The forex market is subject to fluctuations and changes that can impact the value of currencies. These changes can happen quickly and without warning, which can result in significant losses.
  4. Responsibility for Decisions: Trading forex involves making decisions that can impact your investment. You are solely responsible for making these decisions and should seek professional advice if necessary.
  5. Third-Party Information: Any information, analysis, or opinions provided by third parties, including brokers, should be considered as their own and not as advice or recommendation from the trader or the forex platform.
  6. Financial Regulations: Forex trading is subject to various financial regulations, which may differ depending on your location. It is your responsibility to comply with these regulations, and you should seek professional advice if necessary.

Refund Policy

A refund policy that states that a refund will not be provided after the first week of using trading services for forex is a common policy in the forex industry. This policy is put in place to protect the trading platform and service provider from users who may take advantage of the system and request a refund after gaining access to valuable information or trading opportunities.

The rationale behind this policy is that it gives users ample time to evaluate the quality of the trading services before committing to a longer-term subscription or payment plan. If a user is not satisfied with the services provided during the first week, they have the option to request a refund.

However, after the first week of using the trading services, the assumption is that the user has already benefited from the information and trading opportunities provided by the platform. Therefore, a refund may not be granted after this point, as the user has already received some value from the service.

It is important for users to carefully read and understand the refund policy of any trading platform or service provider before making a payment. If a user has any questions or concerns about the refund policy, they should reach out to the provider's customer support team for clarification.

Trading Signals Policy

This policy should state that trading signals are not guaranteed to be profitable and that investors may lose some or all of their invested capital. It should also highlight the importance of understanding the risks involved and the potential losses that could result from following trading signals.

Furthermore, the policy should make it clear that the trading signals provided are based on various market factors and may not always be accurate or appropriate for an individual's investment goals or risk tolerance. It should advise investors to exercise caution when relying on trading signals and to consider seeking professional financial advice before making any investment decisions.

In summary, a policy that explains that trading signals may result in losses is crucial in ensuring that investors understand the risks involved in trading and making investment decisions. By including this policy, investors can make informed decisions and manage their investment risks effectively.


This policy indicates that Dark Seriex Wealth Academy does not have the necessary expertise or resources to offer these services. It may also be due to legal or regulatory restrictions that prevent the company from providing these types of services.

It is important for the company to communicate this policy clearly to its customers or clients, so that they are aware of the limitations of the company's services. Customers who are seeking account management or investment services will need to look elsewhere for these types of services.



Less Than Symbol

At Dark SerieX Wealth Academy , we understand the importance of clear and effective communication. As a leading trading company, we strive to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in all our interactions with clients, partners, and stakeholders.

Our copywriting policy is designed to ensure that all communications and marketing materials produced by Dark SerieX Wealth Academy meet these standards, while also reflecting our brand identity and values.

  1. Accuracy and Clarity: We are committed to providing accurate and clear information about our services, products, and company. All marketing materials and communications will be thoroughly reviewed and fact-checked to ensure that they are free from errors or misrepresentations.
  2. Compliance with Regulations: As a responsible trading company, we comply with all relevant regulations and laws governing our industry. Our copywriting policy ensures that all marketing materials and communications are fully compliant with these regulations and laws.
  3. Brand Consistency: We understand the importance of brand consistency in building a strong brand identity. All marketing materials and communications will be created in accordance with our brand guidelines to maintain consistency in style, tone, and messaging.
  4. Ethical Standards: We believe in ethical business practices and transparency in all our interactions. Our copywriting policy prohibits the use of misleading, deceptive, or unethical language in our communications and marketing materials.
  5. Intellectual Property: We respect the intellectual property rights of others and expect the same in return. Our copywriting policy ensures that all content used in our communications and marketing materials are either original or properly licensed .
  6. Feedback and Improvement: We welcome feedback from our clients, partners, and stakeholders to continuously improve our communication and marketing efforts. We will regularly review and update our copywriting policy to ensure that it remains current and effective.

In conclusion, Dark SerieX Wealth Academy is committed to delivering clear, accurate, and ethical communication to our clients, partners, and stakeholders. Our copywriting policy sets the standards for our communication and marketing efforts, and we will continue to strive for excellence in all our interactions.